News & Documentary Videos

Current Events do not always mean "the latest news" here. It is also in reference to modern as opposed to ancient or biblical times. In other words, how does certain events tie into Biblical prophecy? End Time Plagues? End Time Events, etc.

How did we get here? Endeavoring to comprehend both the world we live in, and the world to come. Hoping to show that we are indeed fighting against principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness of this age. Compare to Daniel 10, and just know that no human forces can withstand an angel of God, let alone two. Satan and his demons are behind what is going on. The entire world's governments are in lock-step against the people. If you can't get two people in a room to agree, how else is this possible? The agenda appears to be to turn the people against their evil governments in order to usher in the Antichrist's one world government.

Must See Series
for understanding the world we live in today.

The Fall of the Cabal

(Part 01 of 10) (Part 02 of 10
(Part 03 of 10) (Part 04 of 10
(Part 05 of 10) (Part 06 of 10
(Part 07 of 10) (Part 08 of 10
(Part 09 of 10) (Part 10 of 10

Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal

(Part 01) (Part 02) (Part 03) (Part 04)
(Part 05) (Part 06) (Part 07) (Part 08)
(Part 09) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12)
(Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16)
(Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
(Part 21) (Part 22) (Part 23) (Part 24)
(Part 25) (Part 26
(Part 27) (Part 28)

More can be found at our BitChute channel.

Timpson, TX 75975, US

About us

Just a few searching for truth. We are a home assembly that also fellowships with a couple of very small churches that have the right heart for God. We feel not many in today's modern 'big' churches do. So we do support the Home Church Movement.

This site was originally intended for family and friends to more easily see what we are doing. But there may be others as well. So we might actually one day turn this into a "real" website?

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